Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Market Has Hit Bottom? hmmm.. yes.

A very good indication of where the market is heading in a given area is the level of inventory of homes available at a given time, and compare this to the past.

In the County of Santa Clara, where we have been hit hard by the downturn in the past year or so, the inventory of available homes (SFR's and condo/townhouses combined) as of 9/11/09 stands at 3,315; a year ago at the same time, it was 6,844, and in 2007, it was 6,542.

This level of inventory has not been that low since January of 2007.I believe this sets the stage for a very healthy market.We have seen in the past months an impressive number of foreclosures being bought from investors and home buyers alike, often in multiple offers situations.

It is important to remember too that the percentage of houses which sold for more than the listing price, in the County of Santa Clara, has been consistently above 30% for the past year, and stands now at 40.6%. (Sunday real estate section in the SJ Merc.). Who would think based on the news articles in the papers?

For instant insight and smart graphs on the market, County-wide, and area by area within the Cities, go to:

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