Sunday, March 22, 2020

How to disinfect your house in these times of stress?

An important question nowadays: what is the best way to disinfect your home, as we all face these dire circumstances?

Christina Hoffman, content manager for HouseLogic, gives some useful tips on the matter, which I thought were worthy of showing on this blog.

From her article, a few things worth mentioning:

- The Center for Disease Control recommends a bleach solution for disinfecting high-touch surfaces
- Recipe:  for a quart of water, 4 teaspoons of bleach,
- bleach can grow too old, and loose its efficacy,
- bleach cannot be mixed with just anything:  just water,
- and something I didn't know: some disinfectants can make the virus(es) resistant.

Please stay safe and in good health, and most importantly, stay informed.

Warm regards,


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