Saturday, November 24, 2018

7 Types of Lighting Fixtures

7 Types of Lighting Fixtures.

Light fixtures fascinate: when you go into a light fixture store, don't you want to buy them all? They radically change the room where they are installed, depending on the style, intensity, location.

Here is a professional recap by the Dwell website of the options and more details when it comes to this eye-pleasing upgrade:
Dwell-Lighting Fixtures
..and how to arrange and design your inside lighting for a more gentle environment for your eyes.

Beware! You will be tempted to spend money! 

Thanks for reading, and do not hesitate to contact me for your real estate questions.

Home Valuation tool
Detailed, local trends etc...
Current mortgage rates   steady...  (under 5% !!) (stock market volatility...)

Monday, November 12, 2018

Real Estate: Average Down Payment by State

The average size of down payments by state usually follows prices, as a rule of thumb. These figures tell us a bit more:

Down payments are:
Highest in California, with a 21.44% average DP (about $97.8k)
And                 Hawai, with a 21.32% average DP (about 69.9k)

Lowest in Alaska, with a 15.4 % average DP (about 36.4k)
And                 West Virginia at 15.4% average DP (about $21.4k)
And                 Mississippi at 15.8% average DP, averaging $22.9k.

This information is provided by the digital loan sourcing site LendingTree, and is reported by Alcynna Lloyd of HousingWire in her article dated Oct 26, 2018.

LendingTree also shows the following graph, which recaps the subject pretty well:

As always, thank you for reading, and share if you like!

Home Valuation tool
Detailed, local trends etc...
Current mortgage rates   steady...  (stock market volatility...)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Interest Rates Above 5?

It's hard to believe but interest rates are not that high, when you look at them with a 10 or 20-year perspective..

Click on picture to see a larger version.

Of course, we are now used to paying little when we take on a mortgage, and who did not refinance in the past 8 years?  So it looks expensive now to consider a new mortgage - but 10 years ago we were looking at around 6%.
We all hope we don't go back there...

Still, a majority of renters say they want to buy, according to a survey by the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Thanks for reading,

Home Valuation tool
Detailed, local trends etc...
Current mortgage rates   (slight regular uptick)
A worthy local non-profit to remember: Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Clara County.